POET Technologies Inc.

in response to tannersfriend's message

May I add to Tannersfriend comments as there should be no underestimating the importance of this Patent publication.

This Patent describes the whole of the POET manufacturing process and its ability to incorporate POET designed applications, including the AOC. I am staggered by the number of layers, the number and complexity of both the materials and steps that are needed in the process of laying down, building and etching each these layers to form the designed application that each specific integrated circuit will carry.

Despite some education in the area and trawling through the detail of the whole patent publication with some degree of diligence, my understanding is limited except in the broadest sense. But it occurs to me that this patent effectively states the culmination of Geoffrey's Taylors work on optoelectronic technology over the past twenty plus years in a pysical process that has trasferred out of the laboratory to fabrication.

It therefore grieves me greatly that Geoffrey Taylor has been allowed to 'fade away' into the background, seemingly without a clear and public statement being made by the current management of his enormous achievement and contribution to POET Technologies Inc. I regret also, that there seems to have been no opportunity for us, his greatest admirers, to honour his efforts.

I hope that I am jumping the gun by stating this and that there is in fact a plan in hand for the 'coming out' of both POET and Geoffrey Taylor. I must confess to probably putting the cart before the horse by stating this. However, for me public sight of this all-encompassing POET patent has to herald the news of the successful achievement of the acid test for the POET process, the production of a fully integrated AOC capable of mass manufacturing. The announcement of this cannot be far away given that we are now on the cusp of the milestone in the project plan.

To all glums and those insistent on facts only, to me there is no bolder fact than putting the description of your invention into the public domain. It’s a fact that each component of the AOC has been proved and yes it is a fact that full integration run in the fabrication of the AOC is outstanding, but even for the gloomiest glum this is one hell of a snowball that is rolling down mountain with such momentum that it seems irrational to deny its existence or stand in its way.

The deflection point cometh.


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