POET Technologies Inc.

in response to walconst's message

We all respect Moneydigger's decision to move on from PTK as is his right. Each of us will have those nagging reasons why we could do with some extra cash at any given moment and I, with many others here, wish him and many others like him who have left quietly the very best in his/their investment journey. That said, I suspect that digger's timing is out and he may well have reason to back and 'SOON'.

When SV set out his milestones earlier this year, or perhaps even earlier, post the technical briefing of 16 Sep 15, we all had to take a big gulp at the realisation that the likelihood of making money quickly had receded because we learnt that the timetable set to develop an AOC and the optical engine had lengthened out until the end of 2016 at the earliest. For me this moment was the death knell of the optimistic option I had long held of becoming rich quick from the sale of POET IP.

The bitter pill of realisation swallowed brought a more balance and realistic awareness of the timeframe needed to produce the first POET product, set out as a consequence of the new management's decision to pivot strategy to become a manufacturing company, rather than just a company selling IP. Furthermore, given the notion that who in any case would sell too early in a rising market, it seems more likely me to be late 2017 before I would think of taking some profits if I needed to.

Surely, late 2015s was the right moment to sell if you wanted your investment capital to work better for you elsewhere for a while. The fact that most of us did not reflects the trust we have in this technology and the desire to be part of POET's journey. In any case I'm a believer in the Buffet notion of investment benefits coming from the long term approach. Churning funds through to the next best thing can be an expensive option. I'd rather gamble on the opportunity PTK presents, which in terms of timing, gives every indication of realistically being on the cusp of something unique, an 'inflection point' i.e. The point on the growth/value graph when the direction changes abruptly. As management is not planning for a downturn the odds are on an upturn.

Production is but one aspect of PTI strategy, acquisition and licensing, as we now well know from the surprise of the DL and BB acquisitions, are the other building blocks of shareholder value. I have argued and essayed for a long time that there is a licensing deal in the pipeline since August 2015 with a potential partner, signalled by PC in the Londone Investor Circle Briefing and confirmed by the silence of commercial confidentiality, and the fact that as late as February of this year our CEO's explanation for the need for commercial confidence and refusal to answer any TB questions or elaborate on commercial plans, rather confirms my belief in its existence, let alone the jungle drum Int some of us hear.

I am sorry but our old friend digger is playing a risky game and may well miss the surge that is signalled in the notion of an inflections points, the appointment of whizzy PR people and the clerical prepositioning of the availability of extra shares in the treasury. I may be wrong but I have committed my life savings to PTK in far riskier circumstances and feel very comfortable with my investment at this particular moment. I do have the comfort though of being in profit and financially reasonably self sufficient, whilst others I recognise are not and have to be more calculating or cautious, much as was very clearly stated by chief gloom Scary Raccoon whose candour I admire.

Bon voyage and fair well Digger I really do hope you have reason to sign on again here.


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