POET Technologies Inc.

Re: New IR -- Agoracom contact person

Here's a thought. We constitute 100+ investors and ownership of approximately 30% of the outstanding shares. This should provide us with a voice not unlike that which formal investor groups have with the company.

At times in the past we have likely swamped IR individually with repetitive questions and requests. Ultimately this hinders the potential for any response due to overwhelming volume.

I suggest we elect a spokesperson to funnel questions through to IR, a person who could establish a working relationship and schedule periodic calls with them for updates.

(Important: This is not intended to discourage people from contacting IR on their own if they are so inclined. But it may free IR to provide more quality responses rather than spending time answering 20 individual requests for the same information.)

What it would provide is a 'go to' for IR and for us, and the frequency of contact would enable IR and that person to develop a level of trust and understanding they simply cannot have with each and every one of us. Plus, as POET's business and investor relationships expand, the difficulty of getting responses individually is bound to increase, and having that 'go to' person leverages the likelihood that we will all be kept informed. Further, it would informally establish us as an influential group of investors and may bring increased respect to your questions and concerns . The communication channels could be improved to our benefit.

If this is a go, the next step is to determine nominees who are interested AND committed, then I will simply list each nominee in the off topic forum as a subject line, set a deadline of Wednesday September 7 at 9PM, and the person with the most recommendations at that time can begin the process of contact with the new IR to establish a relationship. I think they would be receptive to this concept.

P!ease share your thoughts and possible nominees over the next 48 hours and I will proceed to list nominees in the 'Off Topic' forum for recommendation. When voting begins, recommendation of the post with the nominees name in the subject line will be your vote.

Nominations could begin now and I will close nominations at noon Eastern Time on Friday and post all nominees to the Off Topic forum by 12:30, and then announce when voting can begin.

(Also, if nominated, please respond whether you are interested or not.)

Once someone is nominated, no duplicate nominations are required, so PLEASE don't turn the nomination process into a campaign.

Keep in mind, nominees should possess the following qualifications:


Communication skills verbal/written

Balanced perspective/objective

Tolerant/patient (as I am sure they will need to be)



Please do not nominate me, as I feel there are several stronger candidates if they are willing.



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