POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Babaoriley's message

Babaoriley: Yes, it's tough to watch, and no doubt disheartening, given our expectations. Expectations can be a real problem sometimes.

Yes Bob its tough to watch when the expectations have been set by managment. How many buzz words and phrases have been said over the past few years. How many times have mgmt told us up to the right, shareholder value, just wait and see etc. This may be happening and we may all be shocked (for the good) but this has been going on years and NOT weeks.

And then to watch our portfolios decimated and no reaction from mgmt, in fact they are not living up to expectations regarding communication also. Share price is down from $1.40 since the town hall and more than 60% since I first bought in.

If mgmt are going to say positive cash flows, EBITA positive, NRE then give the market some indication. I know there may be NDA's etc but show some support to the price and "shareholder value". If mgmt are going to set timelines and not hit them through no fault of their own then tell us and not just a few attendees at a meeting.

Dont get me wrong our mgmt are all nice guys and have a lot more knowledge about optoelectronics than I ever will but lots of us are nice guys however we are not emplyed to execute. I wont even get into "skin" and ".86 options" etc but it would be nice for a change for the mgmt to give the market a glimpse behind this curtain that we are all waiting to be pulled back. Show us the support particullary over what has happened to market cap over the past 12 months.

I believe the selling today was most likely traders knowing that they will not be news tomorrow and I hope to see a recovery tomorrow afternoon as the shorts are at an all time low in anticipation of news. But I hope the news comes and I hope it good.

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