POET Technologies Inc.

We are well aware that PTK when listed on the Toronto Venture Capital Exchange is not a share that can be adopted by many institutional investment houses due to their internal rules.

It may be of interest to the board that I attended a Chartity Trustees briefing in London recently run by Newton Investment Management. Newton is one of the leaders in the charitable investment sector in the UK. I am a trustees of charitable fund and well aware that under the Charity Commitsion rules PTK would not be a share my fund would invest in because of its venture character.

Newtons conduts its own research into the stocks contained in its portfolio. I fould it very interesting that for the first time they are looking at the more inovative side of this sector and made quite a show of where technology is moving i.e. the rise of the driverless car, but in particular the electonic content viz sensors, semicondutors and software. My POET lightbulb lit up at this stage of the briefing.

The drivers for an increase in this market are the increased availability of embedded conectivity, the increased reach of mobile devices via internet, the safety aspects and the growth in need for autonomous vehicles besides the benefits of electification, factors which will be fuelled by increased legislation to move the use automobiles in this direction.

The question posed by Newton was who is to benefit in investment terms. They pointed to firms like Infinion and Samsung SDI amoungst others. We know of another firm they should be looking at but rules are rules.

Comment on this board is primarily fueled by retail attitudes towards PTK potential but from my point of view the game changer as regards SP growth will only occur when institutional investment houses enter the frey. I take Newton's analysis as a very good sign in this respect.

Is it not time that managemnt, understandably pointed at producing the first POET procuct, should begin to consider the needs of the institutional investment sector by making the POET offering available them through uplisting. This surely is an area where advisors are required so as not to divert executive management from its principle focus.

The energy directed on this board to condeming Options would be far better directed at encourging managment to get on with a strategy for uplisting, which once achieved would largely nulify concerns over options.

I have heard rumour control reports that Silicon Valley is desirous the PTK uplist, which adds to the weight of the argument. Come on Adjit, your erstwhile co-chairman would have wanted this - so why not take the lead?


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