POET Technologies Inc.

After having read the all the posts since the THM, I continue to think the event was very, very good. Did they have to mention 2018 in terms of EBITDA, of course, not, but if that's what they think, then fine for them to tell us. It's funny how almost unanimously we want news or events and, then, when we get them, people gripe. Not all news is good news, so if you ask for news, be prepared. I really didn't hear anything very bad, even the 2018 reference is far from the end of the world. In fact, no one here even knows if the 2018 reference is what hurt the share price, given the substantial support for that theory here, I suggest it's likely incorrect. It may be strictly the fact that POET is taking on a lot more in terms of financial obligations - nothing uncommon as more than a few have noted.

Several days before the THM, I "predicted" either no news or news of another acquisition at the THM; I didn't really think that we'd hear about another acquisitioin, but figured I'd take the road not taken last time (which gave us DL) nor was it taken on the road to the THM. And guess what, apparently, that post was removed (I looked for it a few days ago, gone at that time) - someone must have known that another acquisition was coming down the line -that can't possibly surprise anyone, can it? They probably thought I had access to some info, boy is that ever wrong!

Back to the THM, what I heard was very encouraging. It's not easy doing what POET has set out to do, not easy at all, and I'm glad to see they have some help from former DL and soon to be former BB personnel, and the customers of DL don't hurt a bit, either.

The DL and BB people have taken a huge risk (although, frankly, I don't know what risk they faced had they elected not to join). So they got some stock (perhaps worthless in a couple years) and they got salaries (possibly short-lived as money could run out), they are too smart to tie themselves down to some stock and some salaries of unknown worth or duration - they are staunch believers, and each and everyone of them is in a far better position to know the prospects of POET better than almost everyone here.

Risks obviously remain, but we're taking those risks right along with some pretty sharp guys, I'll take that anyday!

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