POET Technologies Inc.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If Poet remains tight lipped and
does not release news reports,the board goes crazy. If management live-streams
a discussion of where we are, the same reaction.

Long term shareholders have been through a lot, no doubt. Unfortunately,
Intel or IBM or whomever didn't step up and buy an epitaxial recipe for
4 billion dollars overnight. However there was a case, at that time, to be made
of a buyout or industry recognition of the "disruptive" technology that
would have been an investment bonanza. The past is past, though. Under previous
management, there wasn't much hope beyond that. However, PC did the right thing.
He realized his limitations compared with the long term potential of this
technology, and brought on new managment for a new direction. Within a short
time of the arrival of AM, we now are dealing with a completely different company.

Let's take CEO SV at his word (if you don't then still do so as a thought
experiment to humor me). Where will POET be in 2 years? Our markets are short and
long-reach datacom, telecom, sensing, displays, automotive, health care and defense.
The company has earnings after having had two years of revenue. It makes products
across a range of applications in the field of opto-electronics. These are based
in both GaAs and InP technologies (and possibly GaN as well). It is headquartered
in Silicon Valley near all the big data center names. Interested customers have
paid NRE for their specific requests. In addition to the test facilities in San Jose,
the company has its own fab in Asia for development, test and production of devices.
It has agreements with other third party fabs to manufacture devices for customers
on 6" wafers in commercial volumes. Among those products bringing in revenue is an
inexpensive AOC that fits with data center customer needs for power savings. We are
also making 10GB/sec single and quad optical trancievers, with the 25GB/sec models coming soon. Our products beat competitors on cost due to our integration of opto-electronic components in a single chip device.

Even though we know there are even more aspects to the company such as PET CMOS
applications (standard electronic-only chips) and quantum computing, based just
on the THM plan, would you invest in this company whose current market cap floats
around $160M (USD)? If SV's vision unfolds you won't have the buying opportunity
then that you have today. And if you are already fully invested, are you really
going to sell or are you going to give the new management a chance?


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