POET Technologies Inc.

in response to BlackAdder's message

Black Adder (and a few others), you've hit the nail on the head. The presentation was very, very well done. "This board builds itself up to be let down." So succinctly put and absolutely on the money!

Let me add some points that may or may not have been brought up (haven't had time to catch up to the many posts):

Can you see the vast gulf between current management and past? When some of those questions prefaced with "I've been in this company for 5 years" were put to Suresh, I'm sure what he really wanted to say was,

"Listen, I've been here a year, did you just follow this presentation, do you think anything close to that would have been done without the new blood in executive positions?" Don't expect me to answer for what happened before I got here; my colleagues and I have worked our tails off to put POET in a positition to be a huge success. And you will be a recipient of that success, Mr. Retail Shareholder."

Last year at the AGM, the same management told us exciting things, but they did not promise anything quickly, they indicated it would take time - but, on this board, that message seems to get played back at 4x speed.

As for the share price and the general sell off on news or events, well, what else is new. It seems that the share price "listens" to news or events the way some of the posters here do: every bit of good stuff is highly discounted, disregarded and in some instances, evern degraded, and every bit of stuff that does not measure up to the board's build up is blown out of proportion.

Suresh and team have done one heckuva job in a very short time. And the guy is the perfect blend of tech and business. I hated that look on his face during most of the Q&A, but I am glad the question of the current share price came up - although I think it was answered pretty well during the presentation - more time!!!!

That's what I've been saying, especially ever since the Fall roadshow did not get the price moving - it seemed obvious that those investors knew the true market moving events would not come nearly as quickly as most here were expecting. Management probably didn't emphase FB or AAPL or GOOG quite as much as we do here.

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