POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Babaoriley's message

"to not recognize his value and dedication is... somewhat odd."

Yes, that would be one way to put it, although "odd" wasn't the first word to come to my mind.

I was thinking more in the vein of failure to recognize the full extent of value contributed here by Rainier to this Message Board would amount to being totally oblivious to the massive number and superior nature of his innumerable posts that speak for themselves regarding the superlative quality of the information Ranier has unquestionably added to this message board. He is quick to respond without delay to the many repeated requests by others to volunteer his opinion on whatever subject is on the front burner currently as it relates to POET. Sure, he does so with authority but when you are an authority as he is then that is what you do.. and he does it so well as all of us can attest.

Step back for just a brief moment and imagine both the bulk and the level of information that would be now missing from this message board without the input of Rainer.

No one is perfect... etc, etc ad nauseum... but, if not perfect then Rainer isn't more than a half a step behind. Just my opinion .... and so on, mia culpa ad nauseum... but that is my 3 cents worth.

There are many superlative contributors on this board without any doubt. This is the best message board on any topic I have ever seen. I am in awe at the level of intelligence and technical knowledge routinely found here and that awe extends to the effort to share this cornucopia of knowledge with all who follow this message board.

In every group, however, there will always be a small number at the top that constitute the "cream". Rainer has earned his spot surfing on the waves of that cream.

Thanks, Rainer.

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