POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Heinz44's message

Its on page 47 of the F20 filing. Here is a snippet.

The details of the Rights Plan are summarized below.

One Right will be issued and will attach to each outstanding Common Share of the Company. A Right only becomes exercisable upon the occurrence of a Flip-In Event, which is a transaction by which a person becomes an Acquiring Person and which otherwise does not meet the requirements of a Permitted Bid. Prior to the Flip-In Event, the Rights are priced at five (5) times the Market Price of the Common Shares at the Separation Time (the “Exercise Price”). Separation Time means the close of business on the tenth Trading Day after the earlier of the first public announcement indicating that a person has become an Acquiring Person or the date of the commencement or first public announcement of an intention to commence a Take-over Bid (other than a Permitted Bid or Competitive Permitted Bid). If a Flip-In Event occurs, each Right issued under the Rights Plan thereafter will entitle all holders, other than the Acquiring Person, to purchase for the Exercise Price (5 times the Market Price) that number of Common Shares of the Company having an aggregate market value equal to twice the Exercise Price (2 times 5 times the Market Prices being 10 times the Market Price). The result of this provision is that, in the event a Flip-In Event occurs, subject to all other provisions of this agreement, each Right will constitute the right to purchase from the Company ten (10) additional Common Shares at 50% of the Market Price at the time of the Flip-In Event. This purchase could cause substantial dilution to the person or group of persons attempting to acquire control of the Company, other than by way of a Permitted Bid. The Rights expire on the termination of the Rights Plan, unless redeemed before such time.

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