POET Technologies Inc.

in response to mackwheaton's message

"top shelf" marketing...

Imagine the powerhouse of Poet™ Technologies if and or when/if we could have a similar caliber of recognition and ability for the marketing of Poet™ tech as we have as our management.

The potential of a virtually unstoppable little techco from Canada would certainly bolster the already impressive and capable ranks at HQ. With a management AND a marketing behemoth the human treasure is/could be as "globally disruptive" as the technology created by Dr. Taylor.

This could all become very exciting very quickly. It truly would be a luxury to have a few more scraps tossed to us mere lowly retail investors. :)

Something tells me we (retail) are not considered "platinum" investors....i don't know what you would call investors like many of us here are whom have supported Poet™ for over 5 years, have encouraged friends and family (and even strangers at times) to invest in Poet™ ....certainly we are somewhat more deserving of a bit more insight (into matters that aren't top secret, not everything is top secret) then has so far been granted us.

Perhaps if (and I speculate here)we "longtime supporters/investors of Poet Technologies™ Inc. were treated as the longtime platinum type investors we are then quite possibly this entire sensation of disrespect would falter.

At the end of the day, money is money, most feel their money is AS valuable as the next person. Risk is risk. The fact that some people think or feel they are more entitled is an age old issue and not one we should get hung up on, that's not why I'm here. Here to teach my money how to (go forth and multiply) and grow.

If I might be permitted, cult status as some here have attained should be an honour and a privilege and along with that come responsibilities (whether wanted or unwanted) ....I could go on but......looking forward to some news asap.

best all,


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