POET Technologies Inc.

in response to oz4m2's message
OZ4m2, thanks for the clarification. Glad to hear you think we (poet) is on top of their game and that all is well! I agree! Regarding today's news. For a non-techie person like me, I like hearing that Poet is working with this organization to mine the possibilities that this technology enables. I liken it to a franchise of sorts. Let's say you grow the best food ever (with new and patented technology). You could start your own restaurant and serve up your food that way, or you could harness the efforts of many other expert food growers using your methods of growing this food. Then the franchised food growers could get this food into the hands of some fantastic chefs who can then do things with this food that you, as the original food grower, had only dreamed of. In this way you expand mightily the reach of the new technology in the fastest most responsible way possible. Very methodic and efficient IMO and dare I say, fruitful. It also hopefully provides a level of protection from those that would try to steal this technology from us. I have always thought that one risk for this company would be if they dealt with one or two big players that required us to be under NDA so long that we miss out on needed revenue or other opportunities, leaving us vulnerable. Today's news reassures me that this situation is not as much of a risk as I had been worried about. Ajit said the early adopters would eat the lunch of their competitors and it looks to me like this management team is executing a winning strategy. Our new Dr. Juthika is going to be one very busy gal! Great news today IMO.
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