POET Technologies Inc.

Why doesn't Poet deem this as NR worthy like most other companies????

I think we have all figured out that POET is not like any other company. The POET patents are important but the actual know-how is much more important.

Know-how is a term for practical knowledge on how to accomplish something, as opposed to “know-what” (facts), “know-why” (science), or “know-who” (communication). Know-how is often tacit knowledge, which means that it is difficult to transfer to another person by means of writing it down or verbalising it. The opposite of tacit knowledge isexplicit knowledge.

Know-how can be defined asconfidentially held, or better, 'closely held' information in the form of unpatented inventions, formulae, designs, drawings, procedures and methods, together with accumulated skills and experience in the hands of a licensor firm's professional personnel which could assist a transferee/licensee of the object product in its manufacture and use and bring to it a competitive advantage. It can be further supported with privately maintained expert knowledge on the operation, maintenance, use/application of the object product and of its sale, usage or disposition.

The inherent proprietary value of know-how lies embedded in the legal protection afforded totrade secretsin general law, particularly, 'case law'.[3]Know-how, in short, is "private intellectual property". The 'trade secret law' varies from country to country, unlike the case for patents, trademarks and copyright where there are formal 'conventions' through which subscribing countries grant the same protection to the 'property' as the others; examples of which are theParis Convention for the Protection of Industrial Propertyand theWorld Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO), under United Nations, a supportive organization designed "to encourage creative activity, [and] to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world".

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