POET Technologies Inc.

Andech provided us with the only inside look we had to one of the actual European roadshows, Monte Carlo if I am correct. Here is what he said:

--------------------------------- what I can report from one of the european roadshows (everything I am writing is only my personal impression: 1) wealth managers of well established financial institutions were their target group, in other words : nearly all of them right now wouldn't be able or willing to invest. 2)The scope of this roadshows was simply to get aquainted with each other , to sensibilize these senior institutions for POET and POET's future. 3) The audience was at least well prepared , altough you could deduct from their questions in the Q&A session, that all of them are newbies and that this was their very first contact with the company 4)It was interesting that SV - comparable to a tibetan prayer bell - stressed upon the strategic parnters. All ander everything POET is doing right now in the prototype development is coordinated with these patners. Several times SV underlined that in these 4 months his only job was to line up and organize all these partners. I am relatively sure that POET will disclose one or 2 deals in jan 16,that poet will also disclose some TRAB- related news in jan 16 and that after all these news the same roadshows will be repeated in february/march 2016. POET aims to have a regular communication system with these institutions. So the roadshows we have seen are only the first , or are only one part in the puzzle. P.S. : The european part of the roadshow was organized by IBK and their european partners. I really like the fact that Mike did charge only the expenses (and they didn't sleep in 1st class hotels !) - his working time and the working time of his colleague Pavit : all free of charge. These are convinced POET investors who did a brilliant job. P.P.S: SV is a real professional. He did a perfect presentation under very very difficult personal circumstances

-------------- I hope Andech reconsiders his decision to cease providing input to this board, insights such as his are extremely valuable.

What I found very important about his post is the emphasis stated in these roadshows about partners, bonafide industry players who have interest in particular devices POET is commercializing. Partners do not become partners on a whim. While the lack of communication is frustrating, the reality is that we are one device away dominating the AOC market, something the company has indicated will become available this year. We are a second device, the POET chip, away from recreating not just any industry, but the single most diffusely engaged industry in the modern world.

There is no reason to believe that the strategic partners are any less anxious than we to see this technology to successful commercialization. My only concern is that their involvement does not delay POET's coming out by delaying production until it meets their sole and potentially far more advanced criteria. However I see that as a far greater risk with the chips than with the AOC devices, which may very well be why SV saw fit to redirect emphasis to completion of this POET driven (versus partner driven) device first and foremost.
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