POET Technologies Inc.

Due to the adverse effect of changes over time in exchange rates, the value of the capital I invested over three years ago is now reduced by 30%. Of course that loss would only happen if I sold.

I do not expect any sympathy for this situation, because I fully expect POET performance over time to make such values academic, but it is interesting when considering others worrying about the effects of time running out for them as regards their investment in POET and their need for it to perform now. There have been a number of such comments here recently and Scary was a case in point quite some time ago. I have great sympathy for those who are in this situation, but it makes me think that one should carefully consider the effects of time before investing. Are you a Warren Buffet or a gee whizz performance trader?

For those who were invested in the bad old OPEL days we lived on the prospect of a fast buck return on our investment in the belief, somewhat stimulated by management, that PTK IP would soon be sold to the highest bidder. In 2014 we hung on to the Pelligrino valuations and by observing dot com firms being bought for billions of dollars we imagined that we too were going to be in the money. At the this time, such thoughts spurred much talk about coming out parties in Las Vegas and riding down the main drag on the backs elephants and the like - would you believe. But reality has since bitten home as the more mature truth emerged that PTI had to do it the hard way as a greater awareness of the time that it would take to commercialise Geoffrey Taylor's inventive genius slowly sank in. Some here became very glum that their dreams of quick returns had been broken by management incompetence, a view that I do not subscribe to, they just changed their commercial goals. The truth is, and its a hard reality, that to become a disruptive player in the IC world inevitably takes time and hard work, an appreciation of that fact is essential part of anyone's decision process when considering investing in PTI.

After a year of waiting, double guessing and dot joining we have begun 2016 with the real prospect of progress and the revelation of what really is behind the cloak of secrecy that has covered PTI for so long. My hope is that this will be the year in which the capacity of POET Technology to become a disruptive player in the IC industry will be launched. We all invested to increase our personal wealth and it may be that soon a run to the NASDAQ will become feasible. My main point however, is that the real rewards of being a long investor are still a long way off as this company steadily converts its potential into reality by attacking each of the verticals beyond the VCSEL target it has currently set itself.

Whether PTI really has the intent and capacity to achieve these wider goals remains to be seen, although given the recruitment seen recently that is a work in progress. Hopefully all will be illuminated in the more granular operational plan that we await, but we should be under no illusions that to become a player of significance in the IC world will demand a level of drive and application from our CEO and directors of gargantuan proportions. The rewards are there and I am sure we will see some of them and soon but let us have no doubt that the Holy Grail of Market Leadership will take time. For these reasons the real rewards to personal wealth of investing in PTI will come from a long commitment and a personal belief that the underlying technology is truly disruptive. I have this board to thank for providing much of the evidence that this is indeed so and place my thoughts beyond an initial gut feelings of POET potential. I also remain intrigued by the noises off that one hears but cannot discuss here.

My conclusion is that time is indeed our friend. Only time can possibly allow this company to build and grow to the point where our investment grows to fulfillment within a mature dividend paying international Company of significant value. Short terminism and the sort of winging that I am prone to in my opening remark about the disadvantageous exchange rates etc... really gets us nowhere. Selling IP or buy-out appears to have faded into the background as an option for this company's future. Our interest is now to judge what the operational plan means in terms of time and how to personally play that out individually. For me that is how do I do that in the receding time I have to sensibly and usefully benefit from such a legacy investment.


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