POET Technologies Inc.

in response to onehourphotonic's message

My initial impression of that patent was that they are trying to do part of what POET is doing. But the other side of this is that they seem to be limiting their approach to just combining the transistor with the VCSEL which may be painting yourself into a corner.

When you look at any patent for the POET structure you will always get a long list of devices that are built on the same epitaxy. The epitaxy is build such that all devices required in digital, analog, RF, power, optical... they are all contained in that common epi structure. That in a nutshell is the overriding strength of POET that provides numerous combinations of devices at very close connectivity. Where the rubber truly meets the road with POET in my opinion (and likely why we have the Tony Blevin’s on the TRAB) is that the platform can be used to build very fast and energy efficient processors with optical clock distribution. A single core with single thread execution with memory and RF all on the same chip. An MOD…Module On a Chip. That in my opinion is where POET will make truly remarkable disruptions in the industry. The optical links are just the appetizerJ

The other thing I have not seen in that patent of the T-VCSEL is the epi sheet. It is a new patent and it is unlikely that they have optimized the structure with increasing concentrations of indium.

What it demonstrates to me is that POET is way ahead of the curve in this regard. Taylor has been at it for so long that he probably has built the best mouse trap conceivable and has updated and upgraded as the tool sets improved.

In terms of the strength of patents. POET has so many patents now that have gone through many iterations. I really think they have an extremely defensible portfolio.

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