POET Technologies Inc.

I have not posted for a long time as I have been extremely busy and also to the fact that there has not been much to contribute recently.

Having said that, there are many here on this BB who are clearly frustrated by the SP.

So take comfort in the fact that the management team is now full of 'Industry Trailblazers' and the technology, strategy and cash position are all solid.

So what gives you ask yoursleves.

Well we all know that the SP was massively impacted by the huge sell-off earlier in Q3 (especially July) due to SI and Pinetree exiting (not for POET fundamental issues but external factors). In addition the huge warrants overhang that expired at the end of September; all historical factors now.

So stocks take time to recover.

The investors roadshow will have put POET on the watch list or radar map of many investor types; Institutions, Fund Managers, High Net Worth types etc.

If this milestone is on track, we should get this announcement in Q4 .... or very, very early in January.

Not long ... and then we have the granular CC to look forward to at the beginning of the year. That should be very interesting.


And that process continues next week as we are all aware.

However, I was not expecting an immediate SP response. It takes time for potential new investors to complete their own DD and they will all have their own timetable and trigger points.

I think the question would have been asked several times during the roadshow "what is hte next most significant 'critical step'.

The answer, in my oipinion, would have been the Epi-Wafer supplier agreements.

This is absolutely critical, as if POET does not secure the Epi-Wafer supply chain, nothing really moves forward.

So I am of the opinion. when POET announces the Approved Epi-Wafer suppliers, then, and only then can we really expect new, wise investors to really start taking a position.

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