POET Technologies Inc.

....or something along those lines.

Yup, yet another article, here's a couple of excerpts:(disclaimer because POET™ is working on things quantum*)

1.Encryption Technology

The speed of quantum computers also jeopardizes the encryption schemes that rely on impracticably-long times to decrypt by brute force methods. Encryption schemes that may take millions of years to guess and check are now vulnerable to quantum computers that may reach a solution within one year. Many governments, included ours, use such encryption schemes for national security. They are very interested in any technology that puts that at risk. As a result, the Office of Naval Research, the CIA, and DARPA, are sinking huge funds into quantum computer research. DARPA is funding $5 million for a Quantum Information and Computing Institute, and the CIA is funding an unknown amount for factoring of large integers, a fundamental part of encryption technology.

1.Ultra-secure and Super-dense Communications

It is possible to transmit information without a signal path by using a newly-discovered quantum principles, quantum teleportation. There is no way to intercept the path and extract information. Ultra-secure communication is also possible by super-dense information coding, which is a new technology in its own right. Quantum bits can be used to allow more information to be communicated per bit than the same number of classical bits.

1.Improved Error Correction and Error Detection

Through similar processes that support ultra-secure and super-dense communications, the existing bit streams can be made more robust and secure by improvements in error correction and detection. Recovering informational from a noisy transmission path will also be a lucrative and useful practice.

1.Molecular Simulations

Richard Feynman showed in 1982 that classical computers cannot simulate quantum effects without slowing down exponentially; a quantum computer can simulate physical processes of quantum effects in real time. Molecular simulations of chemical interactions will allow chemists and pharmacists to learn more about how their products interaction with each other, and with biological processes such as how a drug may interact with a person’s metabolism or disease. Pharmaceutical research offers a big market to such applications.


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