POET Technologies Inc.

in response to etops's message

Why is Suresh presenting at CS International? It is to promote this technology. Why do biotech companies in early stage development present at large investor conferences?

Why did Suresh agree to the do the Compound Semi article? Why do they even have a website?

How are investors going to learn about POET without media? Of course it is tactics. It is about preparing the brand. And yes I fully believe they need to do whatever they can to get the message across about what is in the pipeline and what this technology is because if share price cannot match the market potential then it becomes a takeover target at prices that will not make any of us happy.

You think that if Suresh is able to hold in his hands a POET VCSEL with the capabilities that anyone who has spent time reading this forum has come to know. The 10 times cheaper, 10 times more energy efficient and 10 times reduced form factor is a killer to industry players. If Suresh presents this among the industry leaders at that global event and some serious attention is paid by these people and they see the market cap of this company failing to reflect that value then what is stopping them from making a really cheap offer to buy this company. Throw a 100% premium our way and many people will jump at it but it would not be anywhere close to what the valuation of this company should have.

Look at all the options that management have that are just hugely underwater now. I think the share price is an embarrassment to these people who had very high positions at the biggest companies of the industry.

I want them to do whatever it takes to get the message of what POET is and the plans for early industry adoption out to investors. And just because the share price sucks right now does not mean that message is not being received. Yes there has been tactics to gain the markets attention but this company has never been in a better position to deliver.

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