POET Technologies Inc.

Hi Guys,

So I’m sure I’ve beaten this subject to a dead horse but you as some of the most ardent and at times critical supporters of POET, one thing that I ask of you is to take a look at this interview with Tom Russo. I use this example a lot, as he meets with a lot of our Companies at Taylor Rafferty. Being historically a cross border IR firm, we’ve serviced everyone in our below deck and Tom has had meetings with many of the Companies below. Tom’s also a super nice guy and in having him in meetings over the past 15 years I’ve never seen him lose his temper or act angrily, something that many analysts and fund managers have done in front of management. Never Tom though, he’s always had a sense of grace, class and level headedness that is rare in this industry. In any case…

Some of the takeaways from the interview are concepts that POET investors - if they are to be vested in the Company should think about, one important concept is the capacity to suffer. This is an early stage Company. And at some point hopefully in their near future, POET will be judged though fundamental analysis and will have to fall within the ranked order of their field of peers. I usually always talk to you guys about risk adjusted models and a lot of you guys HATE that I bring up the idea of risk management for micro-cap investors. But today, I’m going to leave that alone and share a great interview with Tom. Tom talks about reinvesting in the Company, and looking into the future you have to take into consideration the timeline for returns with a POET. If POET gets to free cash flow positive on say an adjusted basis, non-GAAP/IFRS basis, intuitively you may hate conceptually what they might do with free cash flow. Reinvesting in the business and posting net losses. But that is a very possible profile for POET. The overall goal in thinking about POET for which you have scoured the earth and found to be a gem, is that it’s still a diamond in the rough. A lot of what could happen for POET is going to happen over time and it’s hard to model how quick or fast that happens until sales start happening.

Here’s the Tom Russo video:


TR’s old client base and some of the Companies that Tom has met with.

Warm regards,

Christopher Chu


Taylor Rafferty

150 Broadway, Suite 302

New York, NY 10038

T. 212 889 4350

M. 646 647 0749



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