POET Technologies Inc.

I had no idea I could create such controversy, so try this you curmudgeons. Something’s up I say. Some of this PET project was in existence long before CEO and COO were appointed or a glimmer in AM’s eye. I think it was a major reason for them to join the company. Look at it again, this time with insight and great care:

·Why employ a programme writer for a project with no prototype for 15 months?

·Why tell us they were going to make it and then say nothing at a shareholders’ meeting?

·Why order wafers not to make anything?

·Why the London meeting with nothing to show.

·Why all the laboratory work and the new equipment (you know, the one that went wrong) and tell us of the delays, then say it’s all about POET in late 2016/2017?

No, no, no, PET is a great chip: fast, relatively large nodal size, easily manufactured, low power consumption. There must be some interested in that. Did you know that you can mass produce a chip of standard design and, with appropriate software, control the functional aspects of the chip to do what you like, don’t have to make individual chips for specialty purposes now. You can’t tell me your going to forget PET and wait for POET before the money comes, doesn’t make sense. I believe silence is golden, expect results ladies and gentlemen.

As an aside, my television tells me Canada has a new left of centre government: Trudeau Mark II. We, over this side of the pond, managed to avoid this for another 5 years. I hope you understand what the left do, far be it from me to complain about the people’s choice but wiser politicians than I have said things about all this:

Democracy is the worst form of government save all the rest - Winston Churchill.

Socialism is a wonderful creed until the money runs out – Margaret Thatcher.

No self respecting socialist can make a political speech without sticking his hand in your pocket, take the cash and tell you he’ll spend better than you can – Michael Heseltine (Minister of Defence, UK., 1984).

So, all you Maple Leaf investors, save hard to pay for what’s coming, I hope you have rock solid tax-free investment accounts (they’ll be after them) change your wills you older ones, think hard you younger ones. Try our brand of socialism, when you can’t tax any more, borrow instead; inflict the costs on your grand kids. Good luck.


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