POET Technologies Inc.


The two years I have participated on this board has been a study exercise to determine whether my rather spontaneous initial reaction to discovering POET (OPEL), then wildly investing far too much more than rational investing advice would allow, was indeed a sensible financial decision.I knew nothing about the technology or the company that owned it except that it looked as if someone (GT) had invented a GaAs Chip that would replace Si CMOS chips.It wasthe enormity of the potential of the possibility, that the purpose for every single chip that is in use today could potentially be replaced by a POET/PET chip bringing significant advantages to do so that I found so compelling. To date nothing the company has achieved or said has distracted me from that initial vision of such enormous potential.

Listening to this board it is comforting to know so many other feel as I do.All that is discussed here is based on the small amount of information that emerges from the company andfrom speculation and 'noises off' that some here latch on toofrom the intelligence reports they receive fromothers.None of us can be completely certain of what is and what is not reality for POET Technologies Inc and business security will prevent us knowing what the reality is.For this reason it is very annoying to be told one does not have a grasp on reality when one knows that apart from the Executive Management no one can have a full grasp on reality i.e.We are all speculating to a degree in our discussions, we are seeking truth which may be unobtainable.

On September the 30th a new executive team spelt out in general terms their operational plan.I am concerned that some see this as a complete change in direction in the company's strategy and the only way forward.Yes the operational plan that was revealed is real and will happen but i believe thatit is but one strand in an overall strategy and the previous operational plan was 'low hanging fruit' through PET remains part of the overall strategy thathas not been dropped.My previous posts have presented the argument for that which I do not need torepeat.

For the moment the priority is that we are going to demonstrate to the IC Technical world the magnificence of the POET (optical) process by applying it as a product VCSEL to tackle a pinch point problem in Data Communications by replacing copper with optics. Doing this is our opening gambit in the IC world but in the background Synopsys continues to develop software that well make it possible for potential customers to design, under PTI license, their own PET products.To deny PET is now not part of PTI strategy in my opinion is simply wrong.That's my opinion and I will say no more on the subject as it is not my role to convince PET deniers.

I return to my quote in my title from the King John Version.:

'In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.'


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