POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Orange Cat's message

I think we can all agree that the circumstances in June to Sep, created by the Pinetree sell off and the warrents due dates, constituted a good reason not to initiate the promised run to the NASDAQ in June. Setback though this was realpolitics dictate that the predictable pressure on the SP by the events described above scuppered that plan, but my belief is that a plan still exisits and that Peter Copetti is leading it and busy in the background mustering the resources and setting out the coordinating instructions necessary to implement it.

We know that timing is everything. Looking back to January and the hopeful comments of Peter Copetti at the London City Investors Circle briefing, we have all justifiably felt a degree of dissappointment that our expectations were dashed and we have been somewhat let down, but we must accept that our hopes were dashed by largely unforseeable circumstances that logically affected the plans that PC had let known to the CIC. Given that that event was unplanned and a response to a spontaeneous request for the team to brief to the CIC members, I think he may subsequently have some regrets for his 'loose' comments.

That said I do not think that PC has been relaxing since he handed over his reluctant role as interim CEO and has been busy focusing on matters that he is well qualified to manage. He remains our Executive Co-Chairman and whilst it is clear that AM is leading on the team building initiatives, I believe PC has been focusing on his area of interest Capital funding and has been buiding on his monetisation plans.

PC's silence is ominous to my mind, given the window of opportunity that is opening up I feel that there is every possibility that the news that we shall here today, during the Conference Call, may amount to the first of series of good news events that are necessary for the build up in SP to make a successful run at the NASDAQ.

It occurs to me that the London event was just part of a series of events to attract the attention of International Investment Houses by spelling out POET's potential in a series of briefs and to build links with those firms and wealthy infividuals. Remember that the team had flown in to London from Switzerland to London and had in their pockets their ready to run brief, which clearly had been rehersed giving the team beforehand giving them the capacity to deliver an impromtu brief to the CIC at short notice. I believe that this work would have been continued by PC in Canada and the USA particulalry after he was able to shed CEO responsibilities to Suresh Venkatesan.

Another factor is the departed Stephan Gagnon role in all this. Interestingly, he still remains a feature on the Management line up - Why? There is also some evidence of his renumeration being linked to 'bringing home the bacon' on some deal. To my mind this is all part of PC's Capitalisation Plan which after the CIC has gone to ground and become part of the 'screaming silence' that fraustrates us all and leads to speculation like mine.

To conclude, I think todays event is the opening salvo of an information bombardment and that PC has got the big guns lined up in dead ground behind the hills, he has prepositioned all the ammunition he need to blast his way to the NASDAQ. Our new executive team of strorm troupers are hidden on the start line. H Hour is 1700 hours ET 30 Sep 15.

Downline expect deals and revenue news to launch POETs frontal attack on the Tech Investment world.

Fix bayonets - We're going over the top- are you ready for the charge?- good luck!

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