POET Technologies Inc.

Good morning all,

Here is my view of the upcoming next few days:

1) When I was at the AGM, I was informed by one person in the know that the new leadership team had been given 90 days to return to the board with a go forward plan. Since the last AGM was held in mid June, it sure looks like the leadership team met their first target with the Board. Now add a couple of weeks to the 90 days and you have the end of Sept 2015!

2) The Group of Seven (pun on the famous group of seven Candian painters) who met after the AGM in June discussed a number of topics. All were sufficiently impressed by the new CEO and COO to offer a series of predictions with respect to POET for fiscal 2015 and beyond. To a person, (Mazan, Andy7, BaReilly,Britech, Goose, etc) all were well above current levels. If memory serves me right, the lowest bid was $4 or $5 by early Fall.

So here is my prediction:

1) We will receive some form of real meat tomorrow evening (or before if they so choose to issue a news release). By meat, I am referring to an agreement to produce revenue or some form of existing revenue stream.

2) We will hear more about the Lab to Fab work that is going on. Progress update with tangible accomlishments towars the transfer.

3) To hold the new COO to his word, I believe that we will here about some product(s) or derrivitive product(s) that can be pitched to the Market in short order. (3 to 6 months) He certainly did not seem constrained by what had been previously communicated by the POET Mgmt team.

4) And, I believe that the VCEL topic will also grow leggs during the call. Will a company pronounced themselves tomorrow, time will tell.

And lastly, here is my fear:

That members of this forum, who are caught out in the rain, will spend all night of Wednesday Sept 30 trashing the hell out of the CC content to contain the price just long enough for some or all to jump in.

So here is to a real gap up on Thursday morning and that we all survive the potential onslaught from the usual suspects.

Obviously, this is only one man's opinion.

Best regards to all

Maple Syrup

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Maple Syrup
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