POET Technologies Inc.


We know from yesterday’s announcement that on 30 September 2015 the company plan will be revealed to us, we also know from the MD&A that we have partners who will supply and manufacture the raw materials for the POET VCSEL and that ANADIGICS is appointed as the partner fabricating foundry to make and assemble the IC. No one has yet reacted to my earlier comments that the TRAB has already met and set the priorities for devices for commercial purposes. Building the VCSEL is the priority and the process is under way.

My point is that many features of the new business plan have already been revealed. The one missing component is the name of just who the Customer is presumably because of the NDA but its certain that one has placed a large order for POET VCSELs. An order so large that the company had to employ a specialist third party expert fabricator to meet the capacity and quality this work requires i.e. Anadigics. With the recruitment and the number of firms we're arranging MoU with it is all getting out there steadily so the secret cannot last much longer an announcement must be near.

As FJ says, that the Conference Call (CC) on 3 September will in all probability follow other announcements at the CC our management will explain and responds to questions about that announcement and the business plans to take it and possibly other projects forward. This is all getting very exciting for us as retail investors

My theory is that it is not POET that will make the announcement but the Customer himself, hence the delay until the end of September to officially reveal the POETs' plans.

An earlier poster warned us of getting too far ahead of ourselves. I empathise and concur with this sentiment as one who erroneously promoted the notion that at the Empire Club lecture more revelations would be made than were actually announced. Yes we got that wrong and we did get over excited. However, I feel this board is much more mature in its thought process and actions now, I think this time it is different than the EC event, because much more evidence has emerged before the event, dots have been joined and I doubt that there are any readers out there who have not caught on to the hints by our in-the-know board leaders and others, hints of not only who might make that announcement but even where it may be made. Do I need to say more - so I won't?

Regardless of exactly who our customer is, at the moment, the name does not actually matter as our confidence in our investment is made secure by the fact that there simply is a big customer out there to spark revenue to cause all this recent activity by our company. I therefore feel naming the customer does not really need to be mentioned here for the moment, I suggest we don't simply to protect the confidence that our company desires and our need to be silent which was signalled to us in AM's cautionary tale of how it can affect special relationships.

Surely only the customer should have the right to launch his own product, regardless of who contributed to it and we should respect that. There is a distinct order for announcements in customer supplier business relationship and it should not be for POET to reveal the relationship that is the customers right.

So, I recommend we don't steal our customers thunder, if my theory is right, if it happens it will be next week, and soon all over, we just need to be patient for just one more week - I hope you agree.


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