POET Technologies Inc.

in response to tannersfriend's message

We know there will be a run to the NASDAQ at some point.

A plan will have been drawn up which coordinates the chain of news releases and articles required to ignite this share, much in the way that PC described at the CIC London event and this will be linked to a deal, again as PC described.

Whilst some may castigate PC for not launching this in June it would be crass stupidity to hold the company to a process placed at risk by the Pinetree debacle which was not foreseeable in February but would have been only known about by the board through SI as June approached. Is it not sensible to delay the shows opening.

If anyone shares Sigmadelta's view that we are being lied to by a company that has achieved nothing to date, simply turn to the right, salute and fall out.

For those remaining on parade who have not caught on that their shares are held in a pre-production company with a clear plan to sell devices, which by abel's calculations are conservatively $1, 800 cheaper per item than current offerings, they had best reread the Q2 report and our new CEO's opening remarks on appointment.

SV has asked for necessary time until late September to finalise his battle plans and to presumably allow the Pinetree fire storm to burn itself out along with waiting for those wishing to deal in outstanding September warrents to complete their sales and purchases so that he may launch the POET rocket and let the real fireworks begin.

To spell it out more simply pre-production means, customers requiring POET devices who will receive invoices which will attract payments into POET'S war chest; with apologies fory use of capitals that equals REVENUE.

That's not conjecture, that is what is being signalled by the ramp up in staff, the move of the lab to better facilities, the purchase of epitaxial GaAs discs, the Memorandum of Understanding with fabricators and suppliers and a host of other clues that are there to be seen by all in the Q2 MD&A, including validation of the necessary POET devices and IP by BAE and probably others.

It defies all natural instincts not to be very excited by the prospects and to see the power of POET'S wheel of potential being slowly geared up by the flow of products through the mill.

It is staggering to see the SP so low but realisation and knowledge is spreading as evidenced by the growing procession of new investors joining us here.

As the curtains are opened to the commercial investment world revealing the laser light POET performance to NASDAQ this show has the makings of a Broadway blockbuster of all time.

There are now too many rational clues and evidence for this share to advance regardless of the momentary declining SP.


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