POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Iamsorry's message

Hello there again Iamsorry so good to here from you. There hasn't been really much to say until the Q2 financial came out has there?

Yes I agree with you. There's undoubtedly something crazy in sinking ones life saving, a bequest in my case from my parents, into a Venture Capital share. Why do we take such risks?

I have advised others to act as crazily as myself, but with the proviso 'don't invest more that your are prepared to lose'. As I didn't earn the money that I now invest I can face the big risk I've taken, even if I lose. But I think it was incumbant on me, like the wise virgins story in the Bible, to make my bequest work'. I tried the broad portfololio approach and was on the wrong end of the financial crisis so lost out to a degree. But for an all in one basket approach to inestment your have to be confident and believe in what you invest in.

POET's technology spoke to me from the very start from a technical point of view, I have been trained my the military to become a specialist staff officer in IT, and to me it appeared that ODIS Inc might really be the next big thing in computing, the logic stood up and Dr Taylor's CV and 25 years of application to developing POET IP impressed. The BUS on IC was always the choke point in computers regardless of how fast they were driven, light is the only solution and it nothing is going to travel faster that light until that is GT has got a grip on quantum and builts a transporter so that we can be in two places and once like that cat in a box.

Looking back to the start of my investment I can see now what a risk that was, I could certainly not then. The status of OPEL managment was pretty bad, but that list of patents was impressive. I was interested in solar but it was always the IP that impressed. That good impression has just grown and grown.

That risk since PC took hold of the project, recurited the team we have today and set the goals hig, with GT's work knocking off the technical milestones, has diminished to the point that the investment concerns have been largely derisked. That along with the implications of what is buried in the MD&A has convinced me we are now entering the poduction phase of this company and income and the NASDAQ are a realistic proposition.

I truely hope that one day I have the opportunity of telling my granchild that I invested in the early develoment of that IC Giant POET Technologies Inc; 'do you think Grandpa is clever' I suspect she will say "no you're a silly old grumpy bloke, but I like your new yacht'.

I have given up trying to convert the POET synical amoungst my friends but I am begining to think its they are crazy not to grasp this fantastic opportunity at these prices in partiular.

In parting may I say that I think many will shortly come to the same conclusion as us Crazy folk have.

with warmest regards to you and yours,


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