POET Technologies Inc.

in response to ABC-Sch's message

I don't have any idea of whether or not an additional public offering or a PP is coming anytime soon. Having said that, one thing is for sure, PP's or firmly underwritten public offerings are usually done for a price that upsets current shareholders - the way the corporate financing game is played, though, many times that's just inevitable for companies that do not have meaningful revenue.

Sometimes a stock rises and rises before a PP or public offering, and then the PP/oferring hits and the stock falls (that's certainly not the scenario for POET now).

I'm sure we've all seen a falling share price as a precursor to a PP (sometimes, that hurts less, in a way, since the price is then generally set not very far below the then current share price).

These stock placements, be they public or private, well, let's just say I never like them. Here's the other "great" thing - when good news is expected, and is not released and a stock sale takes place, the lament is always, "why didn't they wait for the such and such news to hit and they could have placed the stock for more money." That's so common, it drives me nuts. I'm hoping POET can be different.

Very difficult to say what this falling price indicates, if anything at all, other than more volume getting out than is getting in. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Good luck!

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