POET Technologies Inc.

Hello POET followers.

In reference to the dare I say it 'SP' - well we have had a bumpy ride recently. And that, as usual, leads to all sorts of frustrated / unpleasant posts.

However, I urge all who have invested in POET, both those who are already in profit, or unrealised profit and those that are currently showing unrealised loses, to think Macro, and not focus on the day to day SP. You do not make a profit or loss until you sell; until then it is all unrealised.

The current SP movement, both up and down, is essentially irrelevent at this time. It actually remains irrelevent until our POET investment delivers on the 1st monetization deal; and possibly the 2 'watershed' milestones (50 GHz VCSEL and 100nm Ring Oscillator).

I personally take enormous comfort, as should everyone, in the fact that Suresh and Subhash, both huge industry titans, both at the top of their game, have left proven, established, world class companies to join POET.

These 2 new Senior Executives, in addition to Ajit can and will propel POET to great heights.

As Ajit said, these guys are the best of the best, the dream team.

Let us not forget Mr. DeBonis and Mr. Lazovsky, who also bring enormous talent to the BoD.

Now add in Mr. Warrior and his GaAs (Military Spec) manufacturing capabilities, and we can state categorically that massive pieces of the puzzle recently got put into place.

The talent POET now boasts, and network that talent can tap into, compared to just 1 year ago, is unbelievable. We literally have a new, proven, world class Senior Team.

Now add in the fact that the "Prototypes" being produced by BAE (Phase 1) will be completed by next month (approx 6 weeks). Note the NR sections below :-

"Key objectives of the collaboration include process transfer, prototype builds and design enablement kit development."

"The Company believes that using BAE Systems’ manufacturing and test capabilities will help the Company to build devices that dramatically demonstrate the disruptive nature of the technology."

If those prototypes are not already being demonstrated to eager recipients, they very soon will be. I find this stage of the business development cycle extremely exciting.

I am aware that PC did state in the CIC meeting in London that he had a "target date" of NASDAQ by end of June. Well that target date has come and gone, and I am not concerned at all. Because we now have Suresh leading the charge and there is absolutely no way he would have joined POET unless he was supremely confident in his own words where he stated "I see immense market potential for POET Technology’s III-V complementary semiconductor fabrication process."

And our COO who stated "I see tremendous potential with POET Technology’s innovative approach to combining Si based IC’s with III-V materials based optical components on the same chip that could revolutionize the mobility."

For sure we would all like to have seen the first of what will be many deals already announced and our investment surging like it is on fire. But do not worry, for all the Macro reasons I have mentioned above, our investment is in extremely capable, competent and established hands.

Our day will come; not as quick as we'd like, but it will come.

Perhaps next week, perhaps in a month, or even a few months, but I do not worry about the 'when' factor too much.

Note also we have to allow the "New Guard" some time to "Acid Test" all current monetization efforts and make sure they are all aligned and in agreement.

And after all of that, I almost forgot to mention "Blevins" ....... :o)

Think Macro (Talent, Technology, Business Plan / Strategy, Execution, Revenue) and not Micro (daily SP whilst pre-revenue).

I truly feel the future of POET is secure, safe, solid and the party will start when, and only when, the company is ready.

All the best,


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