POET Technologies Inc.


Well, I just returned home late last night from San Jose and I can say that it was a trip well worth the journey. First, I met a tremendously diverse group of long investors. They were, doctors, lawyers, oil field workers, bartenters, engineers, artists and self employeed businessmen to name a few. We were are all excited and animated after the meeting. Between dinner on Thursday and lunch on Friday we all got to know each other because of this great little known Canadian company (soon to be very well known!). In attendance between these two meals were; 12Bikes, Abel, Andy, Babaoriley, Crolem, KGBInc, Maple Syrup and Mazan.

I have read most of the posts from the people listed above (but not too much else) so I will try not to repeat and will only make a couple of additional comments. One very common element between these posts is the professionalism shown from this management team and I would like to reiterate that theme. They were extremely knowledgeable, smooth and comfortable in this AGM setting. It is amazing that Suresh and Subhash could be this well versed with only 5 working days of employment at Poet behind them going into this meeting. PC stated that our new CEO and COO were choosen in part because they can speak at Dr. Taylors level. These guys not only have the high level management experience to grow this company but they can speak in genius levels. They will be extremely busy in the coming weeks and one gets the feeling that this quiet period will come to an end soon and we will start to better understand the reasons for secrecy.

I had many reasons to make this trip to San Jose and one of the primary ones was to get a better feeling for the milestones. As with most, I had concerns regarding the Q1 sputter tool delay and whether or not this would be achieved in this quarter. PC indicated that all should be done by the end of the month or very close to it. PC said that we would get an announcement on the subject. (My guess would be, we will see a corporate update by mid July). After the meeting and Q&A a group of us were chatting with Dr. Taylor about his work and he confirmed Peter's comment on time-lines. In fact, he discussed much more about future achievments and how far he sees the product developing. Dr. Taylor was not the least bit worried about the present goals but focused on where we are going. After this exchange, I had no further doubts regarding milestones. My comfort level increased dramatically and I was no longer in the "if" category regarding these next achievements but "when". Even with a delay, I would have no doubt regarding its success. Dr. Taylor is reinventing this industry and is doing the same with his applications and uses for the sputter tool. It is being utilitzed in new ways that are going to revolutionize the industry so I guess we can give him a break and the benefit of the doubt if he is a couple weeks behind. Remarkable man that Dr. T.

Well, most else has been covered by other board members in attendance. Once again, it was nice to meet everyone at the AGM and I look forward to seeing you all again next year. I suspect that they will require a much larger conference room at the next one. Ciao.

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