POET Technologies Inc.

There are those who believe just wishing it will make it so, and then there are scientists. Scientists may believe that something can be true, but they then employ their skills and those of others in order to prove, or disprove their assumptions. Probability at 100% is proof, anything less remains hypothetical. That nothing may be 100% certain (even that water is composed of 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen) is a discussion for philosophers and mathematicians, not scientists.

What is my point? No less than four leading semiconductor scientists with over a century of combined experience in their field, men of accomplishment and the highest integrity, PhDs all (Taylor, Manocha, Deshmukh, Venkatesan), each and every one of them is of the firm belief that this technology will revolutionize the field of semiconductor electronics. One came out of retirement to be a part of this, one is 69 yrs. old and remains fully involved, two have left spectacularly successful executive roles in multi billion dollar semiconductor technology companies to become part of this "small dream" that is POET.

This is the answer to anyone who asks "why should I consider investing in POET" or if you are talking with others about investing. "Dont believe what I say, read what these scientists, these leaders in their field, believe." People in these careers, as advanced as they now are, do not leave, or join, or stay, on a whim. They do so for a single reason, to pursue a dream, the chance to be part of something special, more important than anything else they have done in their distinguished careers to date, to become part of history. They know an opportunity like this may never come in a lifetime, and now that it has, they are not about to miss out.

To those who may say this is pumping, I would simply say, "Prove it".
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