POET Technologies Inc.

Dear Agoracom friends in POET,

We are approaching a right Royal Occasion for PIC and me personally.

There have been some very good posts reviewing previous statements that were made by our leaders pointing to the way forward for PIC. As a matter of policy the Company has, since the time of those statements, adopted a period of silence. Necessary silence to my mind to cover the period of negotiations in which the way forward becomes translated into a reality by our management and no longer just policy. Our hope is that a multi-billion dollar company has been sufficiently impressed by the achievement of technical milestones that they have now entered into serious those negotiations.

Without further announcements we cannot be certain of timings but given that no further extension to the delivery of those milestones has been added, we should have a realistic expectation that June, is the month that these matters are to be drawn to a conclusion.

Furthermore, an announcement of a new CEO cannot be far from appearing, given that May has passed, and the logic that that new CEO must have played an active part in the selection of his new team which lead to the announcement of the new COO in June.

Another factor is that the move to listing on the NASDAQ has been stated to be June by PC at the CIC event.

Make no doubt about it June is an important period in this company’s future success and the perception of us POETS its followers and other critical observers and potential investors waiting in the margins would be adversely affected if no indication of progress emerged during such a critical Month.

Bearing in mind the cane of caution being waved at us by Chris Chu; some stretch in the project plan has to be allowed for given the critical state that the hoped for negotiations would be in just a week or so after that Investor Relations cautionary announcement. Surely, we must be reaching a critical point soon where the credibility of this company could rationally be challenged.

As one who has to run AGM, a Veterans Association, I work hard to see that nothing controversial emerges at that meeting, they are a functionally necessary part of company business. That said I, without deception, would want to convey the truce sense of what my Association has achieved at that point in time, a snap shot or selfie, if you like, of where we are at. Similarly at its AGM I think PIC will want to convey the sense of where the Company is, regardless of NDA, to its share-holders.

As I cannot attend, I ask that those who can attend do all that they can to observe and communicate not only the key statements, but the sense of confidence and excitement that I imagine the Company should be at this critical stage in its development.

I wish all travelling to the Valley a safe journey and an interesting meeting.

My Royal occasions is that I will be otherwise engaged at the Presentation of Colours to the new Regiment, The Royal Welsh, formed from the amalgamation of my old Regiment, The Royal Welch Fusiliers with its sister Regiment The Royal Regiment of Wales at Cardiff, by our Colonel in Chief, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll. I have the privilege of dining in her presence. So I have to be on my best behaviour. The Memsahib has a new hat, two piece, handbag and shoes that demands POET to be the financial success it needs to be for me repay VISA.

So come on POET this is your time to perform

With warm regards,


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