POET Technologies Inc.

Another entertaining day with posts loaded with all flavours. A constant theme is "Where's the Beef?" A good question that has been debated for some time. The rationale provided by our own members does not seem to satisfy the impatient members which are not alone with the anxiety with all of us waiting for the next NR that will silence all the frustration.

Could we possibly be at the apex now? Where everything is downhill and could be a free rolling snowball of money?

I have little understanding of the stock market but I appreciate the information by many members allowing me to make my decision to stay long by Fj:The equity standard requires $30 million in equity. $10million plus cash in hand makes this achievable without the 90 day waiting period required under the Market Value Standard.

There has been enough information provided by members with recent acquisitions of Blevins, DeBonis, Lazovsky, among Manocha the past year coming onboard with POET. Something is in play. The reasoning for not airing any potential deals is understandable.

I mean no offense to somebody in a financial squeeze, but I would caution you to not publicly wave a crying towel about how POET conducts business. Your actions on this forum are noted and you may be perceived as having an agenda. Right now I could care less if shorters, day traders and market manipulators are making their pennies each day. When the day comes, those words will be erased from my memory as the Beef will be on the Bun.


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FrootLoops, Barely Surviving, Not Feeling the Love From the Fruit Co.
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