POET Technologies Inc.

As we all know company's often time their appearance on BNN following big announcements. POET was invited on BNN a few weeks ago following the announcement that an Apple VP joined the technology roadmap board. Something that was significant in Michael Hainsworth view. About a week before that appearance Peter cancelled with no real logical explanation given publicly to anyone from POET. So at the time we had heard that the show would be rescheduled following a big announcement. The most logical explanation for Peter rescheduling the show was to co-ordinate with the announcement that prevented him from going on in the first place. I think Peter expected to make a big announcement this morning and his timing to be on BNN would have been perfect. If they had of made an announcement last week the impact would have been reduced by the daily Pinetree selling and that timing would have sucked. My comment this morning was how the timing for Peter to come on was perfect and would not be overshadowed by Pinetree insider selling markers. We did not even know who was selling. So I made this known this morning and Scary jumps all over me in typical fashion without using his head and thinking it through. It is just so friggen typical of that person it makes me sick. Scary has never ever been a multi directional thinker. Just follow his complaints. I have lived with his criticism for far too long. Every chance he gets to make a big statement of what a mess this company is in and how wrong they are he takes it. And every chance he gets to criticize me he takes it without using head. He often supports posts that should be removed and that have been flagged by people here as being unfair to POET and untrue but he hits the ignore as quickly as he can to block the removal. Ask Rob about that one. He is a pissed off as I am ab out this!

He is not a good hub leader and I have no idea why he is the only one who did not earned his position as hub leader but was appointed.

Of course anytime he takes a shot at me the mental midgets at Stock House cheer him on.

I hate that this is taking away from our main topic here. And I am sorry to the forum for this but it is the kind of thing that has pushed my buttons for years here and I am sick of it.

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