POET Technologies Inc.

Apple A9 for both 6S & 6C goes to GloFo
"Global Foundries has shocked the industry and leap frogged over both Samsung and TSMC to win Apple's iPhone processor business. Sources say that the new processor will be manufactured using a 20nm design at slightly larger die size than the previous A8 processor adding on an additional core and GPU. Global Foundries has more than enough, highly yielding, 20nm capacity in its Malta NY fab to cover Apples entire needs. This will now also include an updated version of the A8 processor, also at 20nm, aimed at the new , lower cost iPhone 6C also due out in the fall at the same time as the 6S.

This gives Apple a 100% US based supply of the critical components and takes business away from "frenemy" Samsung. It is rumored that the decision to do a less aggressive version of the A9 was made after the launch of Samsungs latest phone was found to be severely lacking and thus no threat to Apple's franchise.

Though there has been no official comment out of either Apple or Global Foundries it is suspected that GloFo is paying a licensing fee of roughly $20 per unit to Apple for the rights to manufacture & supply the chips to Apple."

Personal Synopsis

Is this Apple GLobal Foundries a test run to make sure GF can pull it off. Then we overlay retool Malta with the new process for POET and produce chips for the I Phone 7. Did Mrs. Sheppard not say something to this effect. Mr. Buffet has been interested in IBM lately. IBM sells Malta to GF and gives them1.5 billion to take it off their hands. IBM would be very interested in the cost savings and performance metrics of POET for their mainframes, data centers etc. Who is the common connection to all of these comapnay's AM. Milestones late, Tony Blevins joins advirsory Board, AGM in Silicon Valley, confidence at CIC, BNN on April 13, two ads of changing electronics, putting an intel article on our website, Synopsis and TCAD, oh and I forgot where does GOOGLE fit in or are they on the out looking in trying to get in??? All questions and connections that will make logical sense after they are answered. If you get a chance have a look at the youtube video of Jobs at the 2005 or 6 WWMC I think FJ posted it. When he talks about transition to INTEL and then says oh and by the way we have been working on this for 5 years. Who knows what is really going on behind the scenes and for how long. I hope the riddle/puzzle is answered soon.

Happy Easter Weekend everyone


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