POET Technologies Inc.

Chris Chu has suggested that we (as retail investors) put together a list of general questions which can be refined to represent the most important questions/needs which we would like to see addressed. This effort would be used to formulate responses from POET that can be used in presentations and PRs. A lot has changed in the last 6 months so a refresh with questions that would help investors understand what our needs are would be helpful.

I am going to suggest that Rainer could be very instrumental to this effort. The way in which he set up the CIC transcript is a good example of the collective effort to improve the information available to all POET shareholders could be used to ensure that all voices have a say in what is to be included.

This refined list would ultimately be presented to Stephane Gagnon who would in turn discuss with the management team.

I think this request speaks volumes about this forum’s ability to dissect information to a level of importance which is meaningful to investors.

Maybe we can start thinking about this on the forum but ultimately the Rainer approach could be used to record and organize the list in terms of priority and level of importance.

There could be other approaches we might want to consider? The floor is open for suggestions and ideas on how to organize this. Maybe the term Questions for POET can be used in the subject so that those who are not interested can skip over those posts?

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