POET Technologies Inc.

Dear Agoracom.com Friends,

On Thursday last week much of the UK witnessed an eclipse of the sun. The ancient Celts would see this as a foreteller of momentous happenings. Sitting in the gloom of this astronomic experience it reflected the glum mood waiting for another astronomical event that is about to happen.

The statements in my notes below should not be new to you. They are intended to consolidate the facts emerging from the CIC London Video transcript that I feel confirm the existence of POET partners & customers. They are dated some time in early February 2015. For me they are clear indications that at a point in the future this company will perform to it's potential, if not outperform! I will not see another eclipse in the UK but I sense that a much heralded moment will soon be upon us when another sun will rise. One that will be seen as the start point of building POET investors’ value.

Shortly, the company will announce detail that will vindicate the faith we here have held in POET Technology Inc , by confirming its voracity and its potential to cause a paradigm shift in the world of Integrated Circuits. For early investors we are at long last entering the time warp between hope and certainty. Nania like we will pass through the wardrobe to a new world of potential realised.

SG said "basically our technology is applicable to every area of the semiconductor total available market which is over $300 billion per year". Surely, should just 1% of that be obtainable from this investment in the next few years we are seriously in danger of becoming wealthy and given the full potential of SG'S statement this may be a gross underestimate.

I trust our patience is about to be rewarded - our sun is rising.


My emboldening for emphasis. My italics for comments.

Legend: SG - Stephan Gagnon, MW - Michael White, AM - Ajit Manocha, PC - Peter Copetti

SG - Like Michael said, we have a lot of discussions going on right now with potential customers and potential partners.

At the end of the day we want to licence our technology to foundries and tier 1 customers like Apple, Samsung, Broadcom, Mellanox, Qualcomm, companies like that. So they’ll give us NRE up-front and royalty payments per device fabricated with our technology, similar to how ARM does today with processor cores: NRE plus royalties. We want to do the same thing with process technology and foundry partners.

AM - Actually, right now we are going from working with some partner companies and there’s … (someone coughing) … Possibly stopping him from revealing more than was intended?

SG - Earlier I talked about the past technical milestones we have achieved in the last three years, and some of those were done with military, for example infrared detector array fabrication and validation, that was with military kind of demonstration and the likes. We have demonstrated lasers, p and n HFETs, we have our documentation for our technology design kit or process design kits etc.

Like for example these last two milestones – a 100 nm ring oscillator and a 50 GHz VCSEL. Those are industry-driven milestones for us. Customers and partners we have talked to said, “If only you could do this – the ring oscillator –, we could compare those results with silicon-equivalent results and really compare the performance of what you have.”

Over time we have adopted our milestones to what our potential customers have fed back to us. If you have tracked POET for the last many years, like Michael [White] has, the milestones that we said we are going to do in the future have changed over time. That’s because we are reacting to our customers who are asking us to do, and that’s very significant.

MW - Peter has been a driving force. Quite frankly, he has done an amazing job at bringing these people together. And the focus, the absolute focus of this company right now is customers and revenue.

SG - So they are ready for a paradigm shift. When we talk to people, they are like: okay. When we talk to customers, not foundries, they are interested, because they want to make sure they will be able to continue to innovate on a platform that will give them better performance than what they are currently developing on. They want to know that they will be able to bring advantages to their customers going forward.

PC - Stephane talked about some of the partnerships that are due, some of the milestones that are due at the end of the quarter, the 50 GHz VCSEL, for instance. So that is from a multi-billion dollar company who came to us and said, “If you can do this in POET, we would be really interested in having serious conversations with you.So we are getting ready to produce that technical milestone at the end of March. I would anticipate that that in itself is a great watershed moment for the company, and then the partnerships that come afterwards will be the start-off, the moment in time where POET really goes from just a concept in the fab to actual commercial companies investing their time and energy and money in our company.

All the other markets that POET has will be substantiated with one commercial deal. We anticipate that commercial deal in fiscal 2015.

People have asked me in the past, and certainly Mr. White has asked me in the past, “Come on, Pete, get on the road and market POET!” But personally, I’m very methodical in the way I want to do things, I wanted to make sure that we had our technical stuff ready, our balance sheet ready, and a real story to tell. And a story that had longevity. Because when you decide to list to the Nasdaq, you have to have a run-up to the Nasdaq, then you have to have coverage, and then you have to have news afterwards. We have to make sure that we have all those things in place if were are doing it. Now we feel we do.

I have massaged the June timeframe in terms of the Nasdaq listing anticipating that we could have some delay in those things, because it’s historically what we do. So, it wouldn’t surprise me if it came a little bit later. What’s really crucial is to understand that the industry is asking for this from us. If we went back five years we would have had a hard time. You know, for a person like me, we just fell into this at the right time, because the industry is open to it and because the technology is at a point in time where we can actually deliver the solution.

With regards to all,


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