POET Technologies Inc.

Below is the reference that SG makes regarding POETs optical distribution of the clock in a processor. Below these notes is a fairly decent video clip on how this is done electronically today and the issues/limitations it creates in CPU chips today. This is but one aspect of POET that makes it a breakthrough and 99.9% of the investment world don’t have slightest clue about this.

13:34 – One thing today that’s plateaued the performance of processors inside computers you can buy today, for the last eight years maybe, if not 10 … Every time you buy a computer the processor’s speed plateaus at about 3 Gigahertz (GHz), 3.2 GHz. If you pay $400 more, you might get 3.6 GHz for a specific processor or MacBook Pro or something.

14:04 – What we’re talking about with distributing clocks internally with optical signaling, is taking that barrier and blow it passed 5 GHz, 10 GHz. The problem with distributing the clock electrically, through wires internally to a processor, is it requires kilometers of wiring, believe it or not, and about 30 percent of the power is used with driving that clocking network really hard, at a 3 GHz heartbeat to get to all of the leafs that need that clock simultaneously. At 3 GHz heartbeats a signal needs to get to everywhere inside the chip.

14:52– Doing this optically saves about 70 percent of that power, which consumes today about 30 percent of the processor power. So if your processor is a 100 Watt, you are spending 30 Watt just distributing the clock, and doing it optically will save you about 70 percent of that power. So you are going to save 70 percent of 30 Watt, which is like 21 Watt right there that you save, just because you [are distributing optically], and you are going to go at 10 GHz and not 3 GHZ.


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