POET Technologies Inc.

One is the steady path to an unpresented revelation of a revolutionary process in the world of electronics.

The other is that there is a pattern emerging on the board where a mildly offensive question is thrown into the ring which then engages the able minded of this board in explanation and argument. Aves used to engage in this practice, which in his case was akin to bear baiting. The defenders of rational and reasoned argument here then get accused of stifling valid opinion or despotic behaviour.

Do others recognise the pattern?

This practice is tedious and saps the enjoyment of encountering some of the great minds on this board. It happens in our other lives where it stimies real progress. What to do about it is difficult but the practice is damaging and worthy of board leader action in my mind in the interest of keeping this board's quality high in content and readership.

Thinking about this, I was reminded of the speech made at my passing out parade at Sandhurst in 1969 from a high ranking visiting inspecting general of some renown. He said there were four types of officer: The clever and lazy a requisite for high rank. The clever and diligent who were too useful to promote above major, the stupid and lazy, who to his mind,. made up the majority of the officer corps and could be tollerated because they made life fun, they amused the men and were much loved as they tended to win all the gallentry medals.However, he said with great gravity, there was one type of officer that must never be tollerated whatsoever, the stupid anf industrious officer who should be dismissed immediately.

The General' words have stood the test of time but it takes guts to get rid of the stupid and industrious, its never cosha and never democratic but needs real leadership.

Well it was nice knowing you folks!


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