POET Technologies Inc.


December 23, 2014 (see rapport link below)

Navy FY2015 funding & resolution request
The Navy’s proposed FY2015 budget requests $40.5 million for research and development work on directed energy technologies, including the SSL technologies.

Additional funding for SSL technologies forms part of the precision strike technology portion of PE 0603114.

The Navy’s proposed FY2015 budget also requests $8.7 million for SSLs in Project 9823 (Lasers for Navy Applications) within PE 0603925.

The central issue for Congress is whether to approve or modify the Administration’s proposed funding levels for development of potential shipboard lasers, and whether to provide the Navy or DOD with direction concerning development and procurement programs for shipboard lasers.

Potential specific issues for Congress include the following:
• how many types of lasers to continue developing, particularly given constraints on Navy funding, and the relative merits of types currently being developed; and
• the potential implications of shipboard lasers for the design and acquisition of Navy ships, including the Flight III DDG-51 destroyer that the Navy wants to begin procuring in FY2016.


Final Version Senate & House
The explanatory statement for the FY2015 DOD Appropriations Act (Division C of H.R. 83/P.L. 113-235 of December 16, 2014) approves the Navy’s FY2015 funding requests for Program Elements (PEs) 0602114N and 0603114N in the Navy’s research and development account, and reduces by $3 million the Navy’s FY2015 funding request for PE 0603925N in the Navy’s research and development account, with the reduction being for “Railgun development excess support”.

Navy’s argument:

The price of firing a missile can be as much as $1million,
while the firing of the laser system is just the price of the electricity it takes to power the device – 59 cents per shot.

why the push you may ask, maybe here

Russian Planes Zap USS Donald Cook's Missile Defense System (many thanks macnai for sharing)

Navy outlook

As the technology matures to increase energy efficiency and reduce form factors, DEWs (Directed energy weapons) will be integrated into ground vehicles to support fire and maneuver in contested environments, to include conducting low-collateral amage strikes in built-up terrain, employing non-lethal DEW to segregate and isolate enemy from civilians, and defending against increasingly ubiquitous guided rockets, artillery, mortars, and missiles. DEW applications for fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft will focus both on offensive and defensive air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ground missions. Early applications will focus on countering surface-to-air and small boat threats, as well as conducting precision strikes with mission-tailored lethality.

the end product

Solid-State Laser Animation
video 2:19

and the Army you may ask

8 sept. 2014 - The High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator program objective is to demonstrate a rugged, mobile solid state laser system that meets the size, weight and performance needs of the Army

the Air Force

January 29, 2015 - Air Force Special Operations Command’s top officer said he wanted to explore the possibility of adding a laser or directed energy weapon to the AC-130J Ghostrider

the Navy FY 2015 plans:

Lasers for Navy Applications, Solid State Laser (SSL) Development:
Manage/engineer product development of the Low Power Module (LPM) Counter -Electro Optic Infra Red (EO/IR) hardware/software/firmware module and associated test and control equipment to interface with the SSL TM System and other Counter-ISR Systems. At the unclassified level, this module will provide the capability to dazzle ISR sensors at tactically significant ranges.

mhhh....... everything on track, stay tuned

please destroy after reading, don’t want anybody get hurt :-)


December 23, 2014 - Navy Shipboard Lasers for Surface, Air, and Missile Defense: Background and Issues for Congress

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