POET Technologies Inc.

in response to tannersfriend's message

There is tons of frustration. No question about it and for those that say they don't care about the share price right now should give themselves a shake because there is no way anyone can be long and not care about the share price erosion. However we all need to justify our position of holding shares in this company to at least ourselves. I think people here do that all the time and come to the conclusion that POET represents the great opportunity but one that is moving much slower than the majority ever thought it would. When we listened to Lee Shepherd talk about the amount of time Geoff has been at this it is easy to see why all funding had to be sourced through SBIRs. There is no way any private investors could remain invested for so long. That being said the actual value developed by Geoff is enormous and the need by industry has never been greater. I also very much believe that the efforts to commercialize the technology has never been bigger and I think it continues to accelerate. It can't be easy to bring a new technology to market that has the potential to impact industry in such an extreme way. I don't think that anyone can disagree with this. However that being said the share price just does not measure up to what this technology offers. That is purely a function of getting the right investors positioned. There has probably never been a better time to promote the technology to the big investors in SV and I believe we will see those efforts begin to materialize.

Are we at a turning point? I sure hope so because I am just as frustrated as anyone else here but we are intelligent people who should be able to continue to justify our position in this company. We don’t have to like what the market is doing or what we think the company should be doing. It is up to them to utilize their resources the best they can for shareholder value and that is not always apparent to us when information is limited by Non – Disclosure- Agreements.

But they can and I believe will begin to promote the technology because the share price is very meaningful to their business plan.

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