POET Technologies Inc.

EE Times has an interesting article about an IEEE symposium exploring the 20-year technology horizon:

EEs Explore Life After CMOS

Overall the experts are more or less helpless as where to go next:

"All three morning panelists here agreed Moore’s Law is approaching an end, and it’s not clear what enabling technology could replace it as an engine of exponential technology growth."

"We are in the twilight of Moore’s Law. You can argue when it will end but there’s no chance it will continue until 2035, and there are no credible replacements."

The industry is in desperation, and since they don't see any clear strategy, 2035 is not really far off. The POET technology is not mentioned in the article and I assume the experts who have been cited don't know about it yet or don't take it seriously.

However, POET shines through everywhere. The article resp. the experts at the symposium mention some possible ways to go including:

  • new kinds of devices (POET: ✔)
  • non-von-Neumann computer architectures (POET: ✔ – well, sort of, at least we can contribute new devices as possible foundations for new architectures.)
  • improvements in energy efficiency, especially regarding data movements between chips (POET: ✔✔)
  • neuromorphic systems, requiring analog computing (POET: ✔ – for integrating analog and digital)
  • new materials (POET: ✔)
  • carbon nanotubes
  • adiabatic/quantum computing (POET: preliminary ✔, requires more research)

The POET check marks and comments are from me, not from the company. I find it tremendously exciting that POET can contribute at least something nearly everywhere (except for carbon nanotubes)!

This is really BIG! Reminds me of "However they'll do it, they will end up with POET."


Oh, and one expert made a nice or not so nice statement about Intel:

"I don’t see Intel doing the kind of preparation I think they should be doing. It’s a little scary for me as a stockholder with lots of friends working there... I think the industry will stagger on like walking dead not headed in any useful direction for a while."

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