POET Technologies Inc.

in response to treborjim's message

I think stealth mode is probably inaccurate. They are probably trying to be as strategic as they can with the information they are allowed to report. The impact good news has had on the share price up to this point in time has been muted by market manipulation and the trading activities of the shorts. It will be interesting to see what kind of short position is left in the latest short report.

But I really do think that POET is getting to a point in time where they are soon going to be able to bolster the share price with news that provides a higher level of certainty of the commercial viability of POET. And they will take full opportunity at that time to keep the momentum going with PR and a little more insight into what their plans are. I think that a lot of protection will be afforded by Joint Venturing and instant credibility will be recognized by the market.

I believe there is significant potential that a JV has been in the works for a long time with Synopsys. They released their first TDK in April:

Poet releases Poet technology design kit

2014-04-07 08:39 ET - News Release

Also the third part fab to produce the PET at 100nm has been in the works since at least July.

Poet to test 100 nm prototype at third party foundry

2014-07-08 10:06 ET - News Release

The announcement of both collaborations was made on Oct 2.

So I think we are getting close to hearing something a little more specific out of POET and I believe that they might just be in a position to announce something more than collaborations.

On the news POET has released so far this stock should be much higher but the market always wants an answer to “what have you done for me lately”. I think this time around when news is issued they will time it so that they can follow through with PR or maybe the PR comes first. I don’t know but if I was short I sure would want to make sure I was covered because I think they know that a lot of confidence was shaken by the last few weeks and most certainly the timing of Geoff selling a small part of his holdings did not help regardless of the news release highlighting the nature of the sale and the future intent. Again that is the only news that has been released since Oct 2...so the question to what have you done for me lately gets a little more amplified.

Someone asked me if Geoff could be preparing for retirement? I am sure he has to be making preparations and the company is doing what they need to extract every bit of his knowledge but everything I have heard of Geoff points to an overwhelming energy and drive to prepare POET for commercial production. POET is a way of life for him and it would be hard to imagine him stepping down to do some fly fishing.

Regardless this company is on track to do great things with POET. And it is just way too hard for the market to accept that this small group could have such an impact on the industry. The question really is how long POET will remain a small company. It needs to grow and much of that can be bridged with JV’s. Where the companies are invested in the future of POET and will also provide the necessary technical and commercial support so that company does not have to grow in numbers too quickly to support the technology.

Well I am out of breath…The wife is out right now and I have jobs to do regarding renovations so I better get at it!

Have a great weekend guys…I think things are going to be looking up from here.

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