POET Technologies Inc.


Dear Agoracom Friends,

There is a question that’s bothering me quite a bit lately.

Having invested in a bundle of different shares on the London Stock Exchange in the past, I am now focused on just one Canadian Venture Capital Firm, having thrown caution to the wind and broken all the investment rules. In the past I read the news of the companies I had invested in as they occurred and the quarterly reports when they were issued, this seemed quite sufficient monitoring. Now I read this board daily and speculate about what happening to POET and scan through post searching for pearls.

The question nagging me is: Has POET reached a degree of maturity where the speculation we indulge in daily is simply just that – speculation? I think the answer is that POET has matured to a degree that a clear element of certainty has entered the equation, it is now very hard to imagine that this company is not going to make money.

The technical milestones we followed avidly have largely been achieved but had little effect on the SP anyway. New technical milestones are not to be published as they are in the hands of the partners we must have engaged given the language used by management, who our partners are still remains to be seen, but nothing will emerge on this whilst NDAs are in force. Under AM, security has been necessarily increased, which is comforting, so as not to jeopardise potential agreements with customers, like the one who wanted to see 100nm as a done deal and now the same customer has specified further node reduction to 40nm and to sort out purity issues on the p channel.

Furthermore, looking at the latest technical patent produced its clear that our genius GT is hard at work, is confident and clearly has matters well under control, to the extent he knows full well that 40nm is in the bag given the sharper tool set that is offered at the 3rd party fab we have just signed up with.

So what’s the point of this rant. As far as I am concerned the ducks have been lined up and I see no point in further speculation. POET is going to happen and if anyone out there did not believe this you would have done a runner long ago. The fact is all there is to speculate about is SP movement, which is why the shorters and manipulators are having such fun at the moment. I wonder how many of you dare to play the same game with them, because I think we all know that the next news published is very likely to be the real deal, but when will this happen? How much longer must we endure the SP anarchy.

My gut feeling is that there is going to be a period of silence for a month or so, then there is going to be a series of announcements about partnerships, as PC forewarned us to look out for at the EC event. Then there is going to be NRE revenue in Q4, followed by licensing deals in Q1 2015. With all this news and a more open form of publicity, dare I say targeted marketing, the tipping point will have past and the marketing scenario that the amazing Eileen Teahon elaborated will begin. Towards the AGM 2015 POET will move to the NASDAQ and POET powered products will start to appearing towards the end of 2015. In 2016 with royalties lighting up the cash-till that register is then going to just keep on ringing and ringing.

So before Agoracom takes over my life, I am going to take a holiday from the board, get SULA repaired after damage in the winter gales, which needs to be done in the Indian Summer we are having over in the UK at the moment, before flying out to Australia to see my God Daughter married.

Au revoir!


PS. The last Agoracom holiday I took in April, the SP went up to 2.80 whilst I wasn’t watching – so happy speculating!

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