POET Technologies Inc.

Hello People ;

Hey there have been a few new people join this forum ( including myself ) and bring with that different perspectives on POET. They provide their input and member's will provide their rebuttal. But it does take a personal tone at times.

POET has decided to go the licensing route. As I have mentioned before not too long ago ARM was a new technology that was dismissed by many of the big companies. I would think that if you look at their SP history, you will see that once they started licensing, their SP started to climb. If POET does truly represent the disruptive technology as has been stated, then we will see a very similar pattern. It may actually be quicker based on the increased semi conductor market from a few few years back when ARM started. So forget the day to day ups and downs - focus on a two year goal or even one if you need to get out. I enjoy reading new perspectives and take from it what I believe to be relevant.

BTW - I never asked for a copy of Eileen's report. Never saw it but I suspect that when you campare it to ARM and use today's market - it will be very similar. And here is where I will get bashed - I know ARM is a completely diffeent product but the licensing concept is the same.

So please relax because in the end - if we all get together at some exotic local, we will all laugh and chuckle and swap our POET investment stories!!

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