POET Technologies Inc.


It’s been quite a while since I used this style to talk about what’s going on
I’ve been stuck at work, going berserk, and no way to get to UConn
Folks by the score trundled to Storr for the AGM of Poet
To hear of a chip, an amazing chip, that will change the world as we know it

With the share price plundered, investors wondered if they had backed the right horse
Peter looked in their eyes and to no one’s surprise said Poet will stay its true course
“As best as we can, we’ll stick to the plan to bring Poet to monetization”
With no surprises or questionable guises t'was an exciting realization

Mark is long gone and Leon moved on, but Ajit was the prize of the shuffle
Sheldon played nice about the option low price, but it still caused quite the kerfuffle
Like detectives and sleuths, investors sought truths, but try, try, try as they might
The folks at the lab were told not to blab, and their lips were zipped up tight

Oh, what a din, the reviews rolled in “This company will soar like a rocket!”
But beware of the wool of Canadian Bull who may slip your shares from your pocket
Upward directions, pro forma projections, and greedy hands started to rub
One licensing deed is all that we need to revive the seventy-plus club!

Out, out you nay-sayers and all share-price slayers, your actions we cannot condone
Cus you’ll want to be hip with Poet’s fast chip driving your smaller iPhone
So come all you protesters, become true investors, believe in the management team
Because one of these days we’ll awake from this haze, richer than we can dream

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