POET Technologies Inc.

in response to robvanhooren's message

Got that part (including 50% sub-licensing sharing -probably not much). However, in trying to plow through the contract, it was article 2.9 that I was fuzzy on. How much of the finished product (and fabrication process) would fall under "Joint Intellectual Propery"?

Joint Intellectual Property. BAE SYSTEMS and ODIS will each own an undivided 50% joint interest in Joint Intellectual Property, subject to any obligations ODIS may have to the University of Connecticut, which obligations shall only affect ODIS’ share of ownership therein. Each party hereunder shall ensure that its employees and agents shall promptly disclose to the other party in writing and cooperate in appropriately assigning to the other any Intellectual Property in the Field that they conceive, create, or develop during the term of the Joint Development Program which would constitute Joint Intellectual Property and/or Joint Patent Rights. Each party shall ensure that its employees and agents shall execute and be bound by confidentiality and intellectual property assignment agreements having confidentiality and intellectual property assignment terms necessary to permit each party to comply with the confidentiality and intellectual property assignment terms herein.

To the extent as described herein and during the term of the Joint Development Program, unless prohibited by law, full two-way disclosure of Intellectual Property in the Field will be freely and regularly provided between the parties hereto. If any legal prohibition prevents the disclosure of information by a party, such party shall, to the extent feasible, identify to the other the nature of such prohibition, and, if applicable, identify what steps the other party may take to legally terminate such prohibition. A joint BAE SYSTEMS- ODIS Patent Review Committee (PRC) will be formed within the first 30 days following the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall be composed of two representatives each from BAE SYSTEMS and ODIS appointed and replaced upon notice to the


other. The PRC will be disbanded at the end of the Joint Development Program unless there is mutual agreement to continue PRC operation. The PRC will prioritize patent filing, prosecution, and maintenance decisions for Joint Intellectual Property and Joint Patent Rights. Both parties shall equally share in the cost, if unanimously agreed by the PRC, of protecting Joint IP and Joint Patent Rights, including paying filing, prosecution, and maintenance costs, provided, however, BAE Systems may pay all of any such protection costs (e.g. filing, prosecution, and maintenance activities).

If the PRC decides not to file a patent application to protect Joint IP, and one of the parties has expressly notified in writing the other party after such PRC decision that it wishes to file a patent application alone, absent a change of decision by the notified party to participate in the filing within 30 days, the notifying party shall be the sole owner of the patent application, any foreign counter party, substitute, continuation, and divisional patent applications thereof, and any patents issuing therefrom and shall pay all costs in connection therewith. In this event, the notified party shall be licensed under such patent applications and issuing patents pursuant to the terms herein respectively related to ODIS or BAE SYSTEMS Development Technology.

Notwithstanding any terms of any section of this Agreement, each of ODIS and BAE Systems, respectively, shall solely hold title to any Intellectual Property which is Obtained by it during the Joint Development program and is not Joint Intellectual Property or Joint Patent Rights. This paragraph shall survive termination or expiration of this agreement.

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