POET Technologies Inc.

Dear Agoracom friends,

On military operations it is always important to control the ground of tactical importance. Identifying just what is the ground of tactical importance is the art of a good General.

We have a management team, who have performed well, to the extent that my investment has grown by a factor of three in six months, who state they wish to increase sharehoder value. This team has just been greatly enhanced by a significant financier and a proven CEO of the world’s second largest Fabricator of Chips.

Having heard others' views here, I am of the opinion that despite the early shock horror against the proposed ‘Consolidation’, the arguments for it have grown and a greater understanding of the proposal has been achieved, we have more time deepen our our understanding of the proposal before the AGM, particulalry when the booklet of pros and cons is distributed.

It seems to me the best persons to judge the ground of tactical importance are our management team, it is they who have the best view of the ground ahead and have the past experience to judge and evaluate just what and where is the ground of tactical importance for POET

Blind belief in management has dangers for shareholders yes, but personally I am encouraged if not excited by the prospect of what a world leading ex CEO, a technical genius and successful financier are able to achieve for this Company. In view of this I see no reason to hamper them in doing what they feel is best for the Company by not voting for the consolidation resolution. The worst thing we can do for our management is to deny them the tools they feel are necessary to increase shareholder value.

Ric's view of managment is unpublishable I dislike his crude language. He thinks we are all donkeys I agree but we are donkeys led by lions.

with regards


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