POET Technologies Inc.

Personally, I have no issue with the current SP. Do I wish it were at $10 - for sure, but I'm hanging in until told this thing just doesn't work (not really going to happen IMO). I have no issue with the technology - I believe it has been derisked dramatically since I was fortunate enough to have discovered Opel and its tech team headed by the good Dr. I have no problem with current management, their past efforts to give us a solid balance sheet, their work ethic/efforts, the addition of great people, or their drive/passion to ensure we all realize our dreams. It is great that we've gone from about 50 cents to $1.75 in a relatively short period.

What I do have an issue with their self-imposed "timelines" and public disclosures thereof. Sure, they are in negotiations; maybe even in the midst of signing a deal; waiting on a partner to approve a release. Well, I hope so. However, this business of continually putting out timelines (ie 3-4 months for P2 as of January 20; end of last quarter for M8) is getting a little much. And please don't say they could have completed these and just not announced. Then don't tell everyone you expect P2 in 3-4 months and M8 by the end of the quarter --- and then say nothing as those dates pass by.

Surely, if Poet is the real deal, there is a better way to ensure a little more comfort for your stakeholders and the market. Silence is not golden and its happened way too often in the past, and is happening again. As noted in my last post, not very happy that the silence continues into July.

CC, if you're listening, tell management thanks for their efforts thus far, but also pass on that they need to get their act together in regards to ensuring stakeholders expectations are managed way better than currently done. Please don't excuse them because there are only about 16 people. They need to make the time to keep us informed - or don't put timelines out there that are not adhered too. Its just too hard on the heart.

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