POET Technologies Inc.

Back at the end of April, prior to the EC Presentation when a news release revealed that POET had changed its IR Firm, retaining CC, but moving under the blank of Taylor Rafferty, I didn't think much of it. With my limited knowledge of IR for R&D companies, I wasn't sure what to think of the $5K/mon charge for the next year. I thought it was very minimal and wondered what would "we" be getting for that? After hearing PC at the Empire Club tell us "he isn't concerned about the stock price", I was a bit nervous. But after much thought and reading on this board, I am feeling settled and at ease with POET and the strategy management has taken. POET is all about the technology and that is what needs to be the focus. Once the Technology Milestones are achieved and the "customers/potential partners" can see the application of our product, the agreements will materialize and disclosure will occur. This makes sense to me. As much as we want more and more people to know about POET in hopes that the stock price will rise, we are still at the speculative state. But with each Milestone achieved we de-risk a little more.

Pulling out of the Vancouver Investment Conference because they have to be at UCONN, to me, is an excellent choice. Obviously, POET had hoped to be in Vancouver but the timelines didn't allow for it to happen. The priority at this time is achieving 100nm and focusing on potential agreements.

Just thought I'd share with this group.......anyone want to add their thoughts?

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